"Seeds" from Bangers by One

Today Indianapolis Producer Bangers By One released “Seeds”, a collection of Soulful, Bassy Hip Hop Instrumentals, digitally on his Bandcamp!  A solid 7 song album which is the first part of a two part series he is working on with label No Cosign Records.

"Seeds" is the first part of a two-part instrumental series from Indianapolis-based music producer and songwriter Bangers by One, and his debut project on No Cosign Records.

As "Seeds" is a themed experimental instrumental project, and fully original, it also has a very modern and head-nod worthy appeal. You can play this project as you're powering through your work day, working out, cooking dinner, or winding down for the evening. The thorough detail that One puts in creating his sound masterpieces will have you picking up on new focal points every time you listen to it. It's dynamic and pushing the bar on instrumental creativity.

And, as the title suggests, this is just the beginning. ~No Cosign Records

Check out his album below!  And pick it up from his Bandcamp!